How I Became a Localist

Most of our big systems—education, healthcare, government, business—are failing our communities. What if we stopped trying to fix them? Deborah Frieze says it’s not possible to change big systems—we can only abandon them and start over or offer hospice to what’s dying. This talk explores the underlying beliefs in our culture that continue to prop up the global mindset and shares a radical theory of change that reveals how localism is the hope of the future—and you have a critical role to play. (2016) Watch on Youtube


Using Integrated Capital to Build Community Wealth and Power (2023).

If we wish to address the growing wealth gap and ecological challenges of our times, we need to create the opportunity for communities to own and control their future. Impact Entrepreneur’s Laurie Lane-Zucker hosts a fireside chat with Deborah Frieze about how to deploy integrated capital to build community wealth and power. (2023) Watch on Youtube


Webinar: Remaking the Economy – Redefining Risk (2022).

What is risk and who bears it? Steve Dubb of NPQ hosts a dialogue with Deborah Frieze, Kate Khatib and Ojan Mobedshani about strategies to shift risk to those who can afford to bear it and facilitate the building of wealth in low-income communities and communities of color. (2022) Watch on Youtube

Lioness Magazine

Video: Deborah Frieze Empowers Boston through Funding Initiative (2020)

Bobbie Carlton of Lioness Magazine interviews Deborah Frieze, who defines impact investing, describes its evolution, and outlines Boston Impact Initiative’s mission and model.

Watch on Youtube

Building Vibrant Communities

Podcast: Social Capital, Power, and Access – The value of connection in growing capacity (2020)

Deborah Frieze joins Building Vibrant Communities hosts Bridget Anderson and Jonathan Berk to talk about how ownership and control over assets are critical to achieving equity and how circulating dollars locally is essential to wealth building.(2020)
Listen On Spotify


Webinar: Emerging from Crisis through Inclusion (2020)

Covid-19 has spread across the globe bringing unpredictable challenges to which none of us has all the answers.  How can diversity and inclusion help us build the future we want?  Panel discussion with Deborah Frieze, Ingrid Srinath, and Tulaine Montgomery.
Watch on Youtube

Forbes Podcast

Forbes Podcast: Turning Impact Investing Upside Down (2019)

Forbes columnist Devin Thorpe interviews Deborah Frieze on how biomimicry–the practice of applying nature’s solutions to complex problems–can help us close the racial wealth divide by flipping the investment risk-return ratio.

Watch on Forbes

NPQ Webinar

Webinar: Remaking the Economy (2018)

A guide to nonprofit roles and tools.  From Nonprofit Quarterly – November 14, 2018


Investing for Justice at SOCAP (2018)

What does investing to close the racial wealth divide really require from us? Jessica Norwood and Konda Mason of the Runway Project interview Deborah Frieze and Mark Watson of Boston Impact Initiative on the mainstage at SOCAP 18.
Watch on Youtube


New Visions for Opportunity: Forging a Sustainable Social Economy (2018)

Henry A. J. Ramos hosts a webinar discussion to outline a progressive new vision for next-generation civic engagement, economic security, justice and shared prosperity in the United States. Guests include Deborah Frieze, Dr. Darrick Hamilton and Carla Javits.

Watch on Vimeo

Youth Initiative Program

Daring to Live the Future Now – The International Youth Initiative Program (2011)

Life’s approach to change is complex, emergent, unpredictable and self-organizing. What would it be like if we looked at change from a living systems view? Deborah Frieze shares a perspective on walking out and walking on with participants at the International Youth Initiative Program’s Initiative Forum in Jarna, Sweden.
Watch on Vimeo

Greenhouse Dublin

Networking for Community Resilience – Greenhouse Dublin (2011)

Deborah Frieze speaks with practitioners throughout Ireland at the Networking for Community Resilience event about the role of communities of practice in supporting large-scale change. Hosted by the Greenhouse Dublin Ireland.

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Ākāśa Interview with Deborah Frieze (2014)

Deborah Frieze reflects on hope and what gives her the strength to continue her positive work. Interview by Ākāśa Innovation, a non-profit social enterprise and home to a collective of sensemakers and changemakers who work together to prepare, inspire and empower sustainability leaders of today and tomorrow to create a world for all life to flourish in.
Watch on Youtube